
Zenis 一體成型觸控式主機(停產)

Zenis 一體成型觸控式主機(停產)
庫存狀況: 請洽詢客服
商品型號: Zenis
廠商品牌: TYSSO
商品評價: 目前沒有評價

         Zenis POS 展現完美現代工藝,專為追求時尚潮流的您設計。Zenis POS擺脫業界對於收銀主機的刻板印象,賦予收銀系統時髦俏麗的外觀,為您精心裝潢的營業場所畫龍點睛。 Zenis採用鋼琴版質感外殼,極致亮眼高貴,具有電源藏線設計,讓Zenis POS收銀系統主機外觀一體成型,平衡協調。 除了亮眼的流線外表,ZeniS POS更具備卓越的性能;除了基本配備的觸控式螢幕、高硬碟記憶體容量,本機種特別採用Atom 處理器,使您在操作上更得心應手。(多種時尚色系可供搭配選擇)


CPU Intel Atom Process or N270 1.6GHz with 512KB Cache
System Memory 1 x 200pin DDR2 533/667 MHz SODIMM Socket , up to 2GB
HDD Storage 1 x 2.5” SATA HDD Bay
Compact Flash 1 x Compact Flash Slot (Type 1 & 2)
Display TFT LCD 250 nits 1024x768 pixels
Touch 5 wire Resistive or SAW
Tile Angle 15~80 Degree
Power Input External Adapter 120 VDC 90W
Weight 6.2kg
Dimension(WxDxH) 352x310x340mm
Operating Humidity 20% ~ 80% RH non-condensing
Operating Temp. 0 ~ 40℃
Storage Temp. 20% ~ 85% RH non-condensing
OS Support POS Ready, XP Pro, Win7, Linux
Option WiFi,MSR,Rear Display,Pole Display
USB 2.0 8 x USB 2.0 (6 x External I/O, 2 x Left Side I/O
Serial 3 x COM with Power Selected 5/12V on pin9
Parallel 1 x DB25
PS2 1 x KB , 1 x MS on Left Side I/O
LAN 1 x Giga LAN ( Realtek 8111C)
2nd Display 1 x VGA, DB15
Cash Drawer 1 x RJ11, Selected 12/24V
DC In 1 x 4pin 12V , 7.5A
DC Out 1 x 12V for Customer or 2nd Display
Audio 1 x Line Out, 1 x Mic In, 2 x Internal Speaker 2W

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